Here you will find the answers

Are Peñiscola Villas Pet Friendly?
Yes, dogs are allowed and welcome.
One dog per group, if you have more pets there is an extra charge per pet.
It’s prohibited for them to get on fabric beds and sofas.
What time can I check-in/check-out?
Check-in is 3:00 PM and Check-out 12:00M.
However, these hours may be flexible, depending on the availability of the villas.
How many beds and what are their sizes in each Villa?
Please enter the Villa of your interest and below the price per night you will find a detailed description of the beds, in terms of number and size.
Do you have airport shuttle service?
Yes, this service must be booked in advance. You have to provide  how many people and travel suitcases you need the transportation for, and also the arrival and departure time.
Do you have food and catering service?
We offer seafood, traditional local meals and more. Please contact us for details.
Which Surf City area is Peñiscola Villa?
We are located in one of the best surf spots in El Salvador! The area is called “El Zonte”.
Do you offer day passes?
No, we do not.
How many people can stay at each Villa?
8 people per Villa. We do allow for extra guests for a price of 25 per person. Maximum capacity per Villa is 10.
Is it a beachfront property? Do we have access to the beach?
It is a beachfront property with private access to the beach.
Do both villas have the same price?
Yes, each Villa is 350 a night
What happens if I cant make my booking? Can I get a refund?
If you cancel 30 days before your booking you get a full refund.
If you cancel 15 days before your booking you get half of your refund.
Less than 15 days no refund.
Is there an extra charge for cleaning and cooking services?
Cleaning services are included.
Cooking services: 25 dollars a day.